laservision offers a wide variety of laser safety windows, ideal for safe viewing of lasers from outside the Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ). Based on your specific laser application, acrylic, glass and polycarbonate windows can be custom sized. Our windows are designed for all laser environments, including doors, rooms, panels, curtains and enclosures.
If a beam hits the pane, our active windows instantly shut the laser down. Our laser safety domes protect without sacrificing visibility and are ideal for safely demonstrating laser applications in public areas, such as at trade shows.
Know the model number you’re looking for? Just plug your item number into the window above. Need to dig a little deeper? You can also shop by wavelength or laser type.
Our laser safety experts will help determine which window product is right for you. Email, or give us a call at 800-393-5565 with any questions.
Ultimate protection from high-powered lasers.
Designed to fit your laser environment.
Easy and quick laser safety solution.
For more details on our custom laser safety window solutions, call one of our laser safety experts today.